A picture of my face

Aidan Colosimo-Petrasso

My eProfile

Background Information

I was born in Australia, but my grandparents and a chunk of my family came from Italy here by boat. This is my first year at any University and to date I have only finished up to year 11 because year 12 just become too much for my mental health. Before I left however I used to enjoy a whole range of subjects like English, Legal studies and History. Interesting fact about myself I have had a scar on my right wrist since I was 3 years old. From a cut I got a playground from a beer bottle glass that was hidden underneath the bark.

Interest In IT

I believe my interest in IT started when I was about 4 years old, which was 2004 and it was the year my dad got a PlayStation 2 for his birthday but of course he wasn’t really a gamer so he didn’t play it but you better believe I did, and it fueled my love for technology to this day as well as jump started my obsession with gaming.

Choosing to come to RMIT wasn’t as easy as one might think, it was the first school I applied for but I didn’t stick with it and removed myself due to thinking I found a better course somewhere else. The time to start got closer and I found that course to be completely wrong for me so axed it and got myself right out of there and back to RMIT so it all came full circle.

What I expect to learn in my studies is a variety of things, I expect to learn the basics for many different technologies but become the master of none of them and that’s okay that’s good because I don’t know what I want to do yet and focusing on different technologies may just help me figure it out.

Ideal Job

Link to job ad

The Job I have chosen is a Junior/Mid Game Programmer, in this position you are working on a development team creating the popular games for instance they worked on Age of Empires 2 definitive edition which is incredible and helps lead to into what I find appealing about the job, this is a field which I adore, when I play games, I critique it to myself about how it feels and things I would have personally done to aid user experience that is why working on video games and why working on them in a group like this is something that interests me.

Required Skills

The skills involved in this job are as follows, a computer science or Games degree or equivalent experience working with C# and C++. Next is a good communication skill so that you can share ideas with the team as well as learn from team members. Due to Covid they ask for you to have the ability to work from home and finally skills which aren’t technically required but are seen as a bonus are Unreal engine experience, animation programming experience and networking experience.

Current Qualifications and or Skills

When it comes to experience and qualifications I currently have zero not even one.

Plan to obtain these skills

A plan to obtain these skills are first off doing my current bachelor's degree I will become prominent in many different technologies I don’t know if I will be a master of any but I will be prominent in many. Next, I will do work outside of the course working with programming languages I am unfamiliar with so I can get some understanding of them. After all that is said and done and I am a competent human being I will then gain experience either in another job or free lancing helping people that don’t have the abillities to things themselves.

Personal Profile


Learning Style Test:

Big 5 Personality Test:

The results of these tests mean a lot to me, the Myer-Briggs one showed me that my feelings have a control of me to a certain extent which I knew but never really thought too much about. The Learning style one surprised me a little bit and showed that I am kind of every kind of learner at once which I guess makes sense as in the past I could never nail down what kind of learner I was. Finally, the Big 5 personality quiz. I knew the majority of what the results said but my high level of neuroticism is nice to see in numbers.

I think if these tests are anything to go by I think behaving in a team setting will be a struggle. I am highly introverted as seen in the first test and it is true to life. Overcoming that will be a step for sure but should be doable in the long run if I put my mind to it.

Something these tests have shown me is that I need to consider my own introverted ways and find people who don’t mind taking a little bit of a lead, as well as people who have enough patience to wait for me to come out of my own shell a little bit so i can contribute to the team.